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mashed in maryland 4:42 Fri Sep 9
"Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
AKA Texas Iron grrrrrrrrrrrrr


Not C+Ping it cos I cba and its useless without pics anyway.


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Mike Oxsaw 2:03 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
Outcome of a GREXIT referendum. Careful what you vote for.

Bungo 12:01 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
Hammer and Pickle 10:34 Sat Sep 10

Not related to me thankfully!

Hammer and Pickle 10:53 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
On the analytical level, these are a manifestations of a memory so cherished it is represented by the subject in graphic form. It is poignant, or perhaps even pungent, objectification in the very flesh.

Lily Hammer 10:41 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
One of them has a well kept 'tache for a dead bloke.

Hammer and Pickle 10:34 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
Seen the people praying at Trump meetings Bungo?

Tomshardware 10:06 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
Different culture that's all.

Bungo 9:07 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
Personally I've got elderly relatives that look worse than some of those.

Ronald_antly 8:03 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
I know it may be considered a little narrow-minded these days, but I have to say I found that somewhat distasteful.

Spandex Sidney 1:58 Sat Sep 10
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
In all honesty, I've had worse.

monto 11:11 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
It's what they would've wanted.

Hammer and Pickle 11:10 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
When I'm dead I'm gonna have my selfie put up on Facebook you cunts.

Capitol Man 11:07 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
The emirates?

Gavros 11:06 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
There are some villages in Mexico where they do exactly this on the Day of the Dead (1st November, all Hallows day which follows Halloween aka all Hallows eve)). Dig up their relatives and get on the piss.

Gavros 11:04 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "

chim chim cha boo 8:34 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
Any Victorian person in Britain with a few bob for a photograph would have understood what these Indonesians were doing. I've always seen this period as the saddest, most unsettling photography there's ever been:


COOL HAND LUKE 7:25 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
What's happened?

Have Tottenham got new kit again..?

mashed in maryland 6:16 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
JustAFatKevinDavies 6:06 Fri Sep 9

Just better dressed

Darlo Debs 6:06 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
Yes yes but what is their BMI?

JustAFatKevinDavies 6:06 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
looks like the black lion on a matchday

cholo 6:06 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
The poor deceased sod in happier times told his family he wouldn't be seen dead in that whistle, unfortunately the living cunts have an almost westhamonline like zeal to have the last word.

Willtell 6:05 Fri Sep 9
Re: "Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses "
"The villagers are encouraged to marry within their family..."

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